Kata-kata di Undangan Pernikahan Bahasa Inggris

Undangan pernikahan bahasa Inggris tidak beda jauh dengan undangan pernikahan dengan bahasa Indonesia, karena secara garis besar memuat hal yang sama. Selain harapan yang baik bagi mempelai, nama mempelai, jadwal dan tempat acara pernikahan, serta harapan atas kehadiran tamu juga jadi hal yang penting untuk dicantumkan dalam undangan pernikahan bahasa Inggris.

Dalam undangan pernikahan bahasa Inggris, yang membedakannya dengan undangan pernikahan bahasa Indonesia adalah hanya penggunaan bahasanya saja. Isinya masih tetap sama. Beberapa orang memiliki kolega dan jaringan yang luas, maka dari itu terkadang undangan pernikahan bahasa Inggris dijadikan alternatif. Berikut contoh kata-kata di undangan pernikahan bahasa Inggris.

Contoh 1

Together with our loving parents,

Mr. Joni Lesmana (deceased) & Mrs. Wina Lesmana

Mr. Andre Winata & Mrs. Dian Winata

We, Johan Zanata & Glenda Wulan

invite you to share in a celebration of love as we exchange our marriage vows.

SUNDAY 9:00 AM | 26 | January 2020

Wedding Ceremony and Reception at

Dua Nusa Hall, Pancoran, South Jakarta

Semi-Formal Attire (With the Touch of Peach)

Your presence will bring us so much joy.

Contoh 2

Save the Date

We that God gives life as a chance to give life to Love

We, Michelle Steadler and John Worthington

Together with their parents

Request the honor of your presence as we celebrate the love we found on

Saturday, the thirty first of August Two thousand and Nineteen at four O’clock in the Afternoon

Beaulieu Garden

1901 St Helena Hwy,

Rutherford, CA, US 94573

Reception and Dance Following

Contoh 3

Because you shared our lives, by your friendship and love

You’re invited to share our daughter,

Indah Wulandari & Benny Siregar

When they exchange marriage vows and begin their new life together on Saturday, November 9, Two Hundred and Nineteen, Two O’clock in the afternoon

Sartika Wedding Venue

Bandung City, West Java

Please RSVP: by October 25th Suci@weddingmail.com

Contoh 4

Together with their parent please Join Us for a Wedding of

Kristin Amiarti & Anton Budisono

On Saturday, The 5th November Twenty Twenty at Two O’clock In The afternoon

Gadung Unggul Wedding Venue

Raya Karanglo Street, Singosari, Malang

Reception following

Contoh 5

Together with their parents

Danielle Rose and Jacob Robinson

Request the honor of your presence at their marriage

Saturday, August 24, 2019

at six o’clock in the evening

Wedding Terrance Venue

123 56th Street

New York, NY

Reception to follow

Contoh 6

Mr. & Mrs. Irwan Sudarso

Request the Honor of Your Presence

At The Marriage of Their Daughter

Rena Monica & Doni Setiawan

Saturday, Twenty First of September

Two Thousand and Nineteen

At Two O’clock In The Afternoon

Empire Palace Wedding Venue

Blauran Street No.57-75, Surabaya, East Java 60262

Reception to Follow

Contoh 7

Together with their parents

Stephanie Cooper & Bryan Larson

Joyfully request your presence at the ceremony and celebration of their marriage

Saturday, the Fifteenth of June

Two Thousand & Nineteen

at Half Past Six O’clock in the Evening

Spinelli’s Wedding Venue

331 5th Street,

Comfort, Texas

Reception to follow

Contoh 8

The Honor of Your Company Is Requested At the Wedding of

Tiffany Moore and Thomas Muller

Saturday, the Ninth of March

Two Thousand and Seventeen

Six O’clock In the Evening

Calvary Church

101 East Main Street

Philadelphia PA 10000

Reception to follow

Contoh 9

Wedding Invitation

Together with their families

James and Jenny

Request the pleasure of your company at the celebration of their marriage.

Sunday, June 30 2019 10:00AM

The Prospect Pavilion

409 Ocean Parkway

Brooklyn, New York

Dinner and dancing to follow

Contoh 10

Wedding Invitation

Jocelyn & Roberto

With joyful hearts request the pleasure of your company together with your family to celebrate our wedding reception on Saturday, September 5th, 2020 at 3 PM

Located at the Central Ballroom

RSVP to Rebecca at 833-322-9000

before 08.28.2020

Key West, FL

Contoh 11

Wedding Invitation

Mr. and Mrs. Denny Chandra

request the pleasure of your presence

at the marriage reception of their daughter

Dessy Ambarawati


Dandy Anandatara

Please join us for a celebration which will be held on:

Sunday, the eight of November

Two thousand and fourteen

Seven o’clock in the evening

Good Life Reception Hall

Gazibu Ave

South Jakarta, Jakarta

Contoh 12

D & D

Mr. and Mrs. Denny Chandra


Mr. and Mrs. Dedy Saputra

request the honor of your coming

at the marriage of their children

Mrs. Dessy Ambarawati Chandra


Mr. Dandy Anandatar Syahputra

Saturday, four of March

Two thousand and fourteen

at nine o’clock in the afternoon

Novatel Hotel Reception Center

3214 Main Street

Bandar Lampung, Lampung

Itulah 12 contoh kata-kata di undangan pernikahan bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi. Bisa saja kamu bingung dengan kata-kata apa yang ingin disampaikan, nah, kamu boleh tiru kedua belas contoh di atas. Jangan bingung lagi, ya!


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